Saturday, September 15, 2007


the prehistoric bird is actually just a large parrot. there's been a sighting. i'm pretty disappointed, because for a minute there i thought that some sort of time warp was going on and next thing you know i'm riding a triceratops to school. i think that my family could maybe have predicted my vegetarianism because when i went through my dinosaur phase, as every child does, i only identified with the herbivores (as much a a five-year-old can identify with a dinosaur, anyway). triceratops, brontosauri, pteradactyls (if they're not herbivores, don't tell me); these were, and still are, the gentle giants i admire.

1 comment:

Lizzy Acker said...

i just remembered something: you are going to school in the same city as that mildly abusive fake boyfriend i had awhile back. you might want to watch out.