Friday, September 14, 2007

today has already been successful

today, i have gotten my student loan disbursement (requiring no action on my part, but it still feels like an accomplishment), decided not to go buy whiskey (also no action, but an overall sense of self-righteousness because this is clearly a healthy and financially sound decision, and also i'm pretty sure that if i don't i won't have any reason to get sick over the side of the boat tonight), written on three peoples' walls on facebook, finished my reading for class today, decided on some things i want to talk about in class today, and effectively begged for a position as a writing tutor. also, i ate a good breakfast and drank some chai, a healthy and delicious alternative to coffee. i'm wearing my outfit for the boat cruise (a shirt with a ship on it, my yellow shoes), and now i just have to go to school and do a couple errands and then i will have accomplished EVERYTHING i set out to do today, or at least decided that i wasn't going to do it. i'm getting up early every day from now on, this is awesome. also, this morning i rediscovered the "proper double-armed yawn upon waking." i know i woke up about three hours ago, but i've been doing it and a few of its variations (legs out with toes pointed, head back, holding one elbow then the other) probably every 15 minutes, and let me tell you, i feel awesome. i've also already had like half of the water you're supposed to drink every day (i know it's hard to get in eight eight-ounce glasses, but once you get past the having to go to the bathroom every five minutes, you really are a better person for it). today is terrific, and i'm not even letting the fact that i have to go to the bookstore, buy a book i'm going to hate reading because i forgot it the first time around, and then carry it out on the town with me get to me. in the face of my other accomplishments, it's just not that big a deal.

boat cruz 2 nite!

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