Tuesday, September 25, 2007

the casual betrayal of gasson 105

so yesterday was pretty much a red letter day. i didn't have class, but i got up early to go out for crepes with my roommate, which pretty much turned into a major gossip sesh. but, that means i got it out of my system early and didn't spend a bunch of time whispering frantically in the library, which is where i went next. after a couple hours of highlighting and pretending to be surprised by things to alleviate the grueling boredom, i hit up my first set of office hours and met with my irish fiction professor. fantastic. he is an amazing man, and i doubt you'll find any of his other students saying differently. he was interested in my other classes, how i'm adjusting, my thoughts about authors not even on the syllabus - incredible. i offered to babysit for his first grader, obviously. then outside for a little reading in the 80F weather (still just as boring), and then more office hours, this time with my advanced research professor. there were people lined up in the hallway to talk to him, but he still took the time to talk to me about what i'd done between graduation and coming to bc, ask to see a copy of the lit mag i interned for, and tell me that although i was like "a deer in the headlights" (exact same words i used - scroll down and see if they're not) during my presentation, he was giving me an a.


then i went to a lecture/reading by thomas hayden, which was pretty good. afterwards, i bought his book and got it signed for my grandparents, who i think will be pretty into it even though it encourages a lot of political activity and, although they consistently volunteer large chunks of their time to various causes, i don't think they're really into rallies and stuff. after i asked him to sign it, he sat there and talked to a friend and i for about twenty minutes, which included an invitation to dinner. when we told him we had to get back to the library, he clapped us on the backs, and the guy in charge of food forced us to take an entire tray of cookies. well, not "forced," but he did say he was going to throw them out, and while i didn't want to eat ALL of them, that made me upset.

after that i spent a little more productive time in the library, and walked home. i should probably do that more often, considering it won't be this nice out for too long (in the 90's tomorrow, expect to hear about that), and it makes me feel like a million bucks, especially if there's no one around and i can do air guitar.

so, yesterday was a pretty awesome follow-up to a pretty good weekend. i had a great time at carolann's party - sparks, beers, mocking, then air guitar - and a relatively productive saturday - comic books, some loitering in a pet shop but a decision to ultimately not buy anything, although there was a peach-colored parakeet that i fell in love with, and her little friend with a mop top, but whatever, trader joe's and a trip to my aunt's for a home-cooked meal and some laundry. all in all, pretty good. and today i'm spending in an office with several administrative assistants, some of whom are kind, some of whom are hilarious, and at least one of which is a vindictive b*tch. so, there you go.

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