Saturday, September 15, 2007


which is, by the way, what my grandparents call me, just to get that into the open right now. so, the boat cruz. what can i say - when you hype something like that up in your mind like i did, creating fantasies about it and emphasizing its importance as a life event, it can never live up. i did have a great time - went to dinner with the cool kids getting their ma in english, our own little version of the breakfast club; snuck whiskey on the boat; never got too cold; danced a lot; envied black culture and made attempts to appropriate it; made a new friend who was impressed with 1. my whiskey 2. the impact that bill and ted have had on my life; saw a view of boston that actually made it look beautiful and not full of litter and bad drivers; got home and had a peanut butter bagel. by all standards, a great night out, and a good time was had by all the cool kids. but clearly, i did not need to be preparing for it emotionally and practicing "cool expressions" for an entire week. i'll tell you what may be a life event though: my friend's party next week. maybe those cool expressions really will come in handy. maybe i should come up with some new ones.

i guess it wasn't fun enough to precipitate an existential crisis, either; i haven't done a lick of reading all day. a little showering, a spot of cleaning, a grocery excursion, a little watching tv in bed, plus the purchase of a new comic book, yes, but absolutely no reading. now i'm out to go see 3:10 to yuma (which, by the way, is a line from a warren zevon song, although i just remembered that this film is a remake and probably the lyric came from that), and then after that maybe i will do a little reading. we'll see, we'll see.

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