Saturday, January 5, 2008

five days into the new year and i'm already a bad person again

today i spent all day in bed watching my so-called life. i watched the entire season. my mom was cool with it. i wasn't even sick. i'm starting to think that maybe what my mom thinks is not a particularly accurate barometer.

i'm in love with jordan catalano, who is a fictional character. this is a problem for many obvious reasons, the largest of which are that no boy in real life could possibly be as good at leaning or as bad at talking about feelings, both of which are huge selling points for me. if only i could just find the exact perfect ringtone to reflect this.

i get so angry when people on television forgive other people for doing undefendable things, like sleeping with someone else. they always forgive them within one to two episodes, even if the someone else was, like, a best friend. i would never forgive anything like that if it happened to me. actually, something like that did kind of happen to me, and i forgot about it for a while, but now that i think about it i'm really mad.

there's still a person living on our couch. this is beginning to infuriate me. she lived with us (in an actual room) in high school and infuriated me then, too. i've been back from portland for one day and i feel like i'm in high school again, like a towering behemoth compared to my bird-sized mother, a mean judgmental person compared to my dog, a loser compared to everyone on television, and a complete jerk all around. i also have this weird feeling that new clothes will help, even though i know it's a lie. i think i miss the library.

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