Friday, February 22, 2008

the unpredictability of everyday life is unbearable for noelle.

that was a sentence in one of the papers i read during tutoring today. i thought it sounded profound, maybe a little literary. it was a paper about a schizophrenic girl with post traumatic stress syndrome she's been counseling. the girl grew up with an alcoholic, sexually abusive father and a mother who got stoned on valium to pretend it wasn't happening. sometimes i can't believe the things people do. i mean, i guess i can believe that her parents did that. i've seen enough law and order to believe that. what i can't believe is that this girl talks to her every day without completely losing it. she did admit to some "secondary traumatization," but implied that it was nothing compared to what noelle experiences.

so maybe this is a romantic idea i have because i am from california, but snow is pretty magical. grownups act completely differently when it snows. sure, when they're inside they complain - wacky traffic patterns, the inevitable slush, one million tiny inconveniences - but when they're outside, they talk to people they probably wouldn't otherwise, fall and laugh about it and catch snowflakes on their tongues.

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