Sunday, February 10, 2008

i'm not sure if formal events turn out this way for everyone or just for me

last night was the winter ball and i have this haunting feeling that i made some bad impressions, but when i look over everything i did i can't think of anything too out of control. except for one thing that i said but i'm pretty sure she didn't hear me. here are the things i think about when i think about what happened at the winter ball:
it began pretty auspiciously. i tripped over my own cowboy boots and skinned both knees. they bled. a lot. everyone asked me if i wanted a band-aid. i didn't. i cleaned up my knee in the bathroom while carolann curled her hair with the provided curling iron.
somehow i got two extra drink tickets. i put them in my dress and handed them out later. i actually didn't drink anything at the winter ball. not even water.
i guess i danced some. i'm pretty sure i did more talking than dancing. probably more like yelling, actually. the music was pretty loud and not that awesome. but there are some pictures of me dancing, so there's that. a lot of them are pretty terrible. i was way into my dress when i put it on but i untagged myself from about eight pictures when i went on fbook today.
i did remove a balloon someone had tied to someone else by cutting the string with my teeth. was that uncouth?
around eleven i wanted to go home and even went as far as to put on my coat. i was bored and pretty tired. this is when things picked up. i made several new friends, a few offensive comments, and slow-danced with carolann. apparently we slow danced with a lot of encouragement in the middle of a large circle of people. i think carolann remembers this wrong. she says we were the life of the party and that everyone loved us; i'm pretty sure that either i was relatively quiet the entire time and no one noticed me except for the fact that i was a little bloody, or we were the center of attention in kind of a bad, ridiculous way.
then we went to a bar where there were some nachos and they were playing chris isaak. i ate a bunch of james king's fries but he wouldn't be mad about that, his impression of me was set a pretty long time ago. also i'll buy him pizza to make up for it. i guess we did make a bad impression on the waitress there because she talked some smack to us and we didn't really know why, but then we spent ten minutes outside talking about taking her and some asian dudes were pretty impressed and blasted jackson five for us to dance to in the street. so that was pretty much the night. nothing seems too embarrassing or out of control, but the human memory is a fickle thing. only fbook will tell.


cvm said...

everything was secretly awesome, i think.

i mean, i dont remember much, but i think i remember having fun. i also "remember" having 9-11 beers that night....and a 40. so that's a situation. i, unlike you, took pat moran's drink tickets and used both his and mine during the ball.

oh well. at least i didnt ACTUALLY fight that waitress....i just chased her down the street a little yelling 'fuck you' while she flipped me off. w/e

Lizzy Acker said...

from what i can tell from facebook you looked sort of like a super model at the formal. in my teaching literature class yesterday i spent the whole time day dreaming about what would happen if my grad school had a formal. i'm pretty jealous.

nawanda37 said...

"i think carolann remembers this wrong. she says we were the life of the party and that everyone loved us; i'm pretty sure that...we were the center of attention in kind of a bad, ridiculous way."

see, given that we've never met, i can't speak about you w/any authority. however, i do know that miss carolann has the chris farleyesque ability to be both the center of attention in a kind of bad, ridiculous way, and yet still leave w/everyone loving those two choices aren't necessarily mutually exclusive.

deirdre said...

yah, here's the thing though . . . i do not have that ability. so even if ca WAS the life of the party, i may still have really, really embarassed myself. thankfully, my friends are good enough not to tell me about it.